Hello All!
It's been
awhile since I last posted. Some
Wire, huh?....More like monthly.
I'm so excited for my
daughter. Her cast is off, she's walking (sort of) and driving.
Hoorah! She's better able to do things for herself now and
that means I'm getting back on track. I know quite a few of you have
been awaiting the addition of tutorials and I want to thank you for
your patience. Expect to start seeing them within the next week or so.
I'm busy teaching classes
and I'll soon be adding a student gallery to show off all the beautiful
things that my students from the classes and tutorials have been making.
At Dunedin Fine Art
Center, we're having the annual Summa + Magna show which features works
of art from many mediums. I'm excited to see the work of several of my
students proudly displayed in the gallery!
lastly, I'm going to be
adding fabulous Mykonos ceramic beads to my eBay and Etsy stores. If
you're not familiar with Mykonos, they make awesome beads and I'll be
initially carrying their metalized and raku beads. The metalized beads
are finished with 24 Karat Gold, Fine Silver, Pure Copper and various
patinas. The raku beads are finished by high temperature firing of
special volcanic clays with oxides and glazes. You'll love 'em!