Hand Stamped Jewelry
by Grace
I am brand new to jewelry making. I just purchased a Lortone tumbler. I use Silver Black to oxidize the hand stamper discs. Do you tumble the jewelry AFTER you oxidize it or before. I was thinking that tumbling was the final process, but someone told me you tumble then oxodize and so I am confused. Thanks much. Grace
Stacy's Answer:
Hi Grace!
There are a lot of different opinions about when to tumble and as you gain more experience with jewelry making, you'll find the technique that works best for you. I employ a few different polishing methods to finish my jewelry as tumbling is not always best.
When tumble-polishing, I usually tumble first to polish the jewelry. If I'm oxidizing then step 2 is to oxidize, then tumble again for just 1-2 hours. This removes any excess oxidation and further cleans the jewelry. Step 3 is to rinse, dry and then buff the jewlery using a jewelry polishing cloth. If the jewlery or components are nearly finished looking after being fabricated requiring very little tumbling or finishing, then I do oxidize first and tumble for 2-3 hours or until I'm happy with the way they look.