Will LOS discolor shells?
Stacy's Answer:
Hi Kathy!
PUTTING POROUS OR DYED ITEMS IN LIVER-OF-SULFUR IS NOT A GOOD IDEA. If you are wanting to use items that could be damaged by putting them in a patina or by tumbling, then completely finishing a piece - including the patina and polish - and then adding the items that can't be put in LOS or tumbled is the way to go.
Of course, a fast way to find out and one that doesn't require you to wait to have your question answered is to simply take a shell and dip it in the prepared LOS solution and then rinse it. What happens? It will either be ruined or come out just fine. Of course, don't test a finished piece of jewelry! Rather try testing the item in question first. This can save you time and potential heartbreak later.